A little preview of things to come...


There are quite a few things to talk about today, so let’s get down to it. First of all, hello! I’m the Red Herald, your new community liaison. My job is to help you – the RoE community – to communicate your ideas, concerns, hopes and frustrations to the development team. I’m also here to help the development team communicate their vision and goals for Realm of Empires to you guys.

Over the next few weeks you’ll see more and more of me on the forums and Facebook. (Someone has to give Greg a break so he can actually code the game, right?) Go ahead and say hi. I’m friendly. :-P Moving along....

New Realms!

We have two new realms coming up in the very near future. First up will be a 90-day RX3 tournament realm.  If you like action, you’re probably going to want to give this realm a try.
  • No spells. You asked for a classic realm at RX speeds – you got it!
  • Age of Cities. 60 days in, villages consolidate into cities. Just like RX2, this will enable a truly winnable scenario. Unlike RX2, cities will actually be different from villages. I can’t tip all the cards here (and no, they won’t be six times as big as villages), but we’ll post more about those as we get closer to the consolidation date. One more big difference from last time… no map contraction – you’ll have your cities exactly where you want them to be. Check here for all the details.

OK, so that sounds great, but you’re more of a long-haul, epic empire building kind of player? No problem. We’ve got you covered. Realm24 is coming up right after we launch RX3. This one is going to be very interesting. From what I’ve seen, things are going to get flat out awesome in the late-game; I don’t know about you, but that’s friggin’ exciting to me!

Do note that all the new stuff is fairly experimental. Sometimes you just have to try new things though, right? We hope you guys like it!
  • Age of Cities. No more stagnant late-game. (You guys in the older realms know exactly what I'm talking about) This will work a little differently than the RXs, but the core concept is the same. Villages become a much smaller number of more powerful cities... so you don't have to take 100 enemy villages to feel like you even made a dent.
  • Specialized Empires. This is cool. Research has been completely revamped. Once upon a time you raced through a capped research tree and ended up at the exact same place as everyone else. Now you have the chance to set your empire apart.

    Want to be your clan’s banker? Specialize in silver and trading post tech. Want to be constantly on the attack? Keep researching stables and siege workshop technologies! Want to rebuild your poor, broken walls at astonishing speeds? HQ tech is for you. No one can get it all, so what you choose actually matters.

Keep checking back - I'll post more details as soon as I can.

-The Red Herald
Your friendly neighborhood lance-wielding maniac community liaison