Exciting new changes in Release 65.2!

New Today!

Village list on Mobile : gets a context popup menu allowing you to quickly launch build, recruit etc without ever leaving the village list

Claims: other clan's claims show as purple flag in map village hud

Caravan : no longer needs click on cards to reveal the choices (saves you a click), and catch up spawns 5 instead of 3 caravans. Caravan Catch Up does not give you more caravans, just saves you waiting time.

VIP Chat borders: You can show off your status via border in chat. Turn it on via throne room's VIP popup.

Warroom / single attack: proper trip durations for rebel rush

Reports: when a new report exists, opening popup auto gets latest info

Gov Chest Cost : losing a governor when attacking, refunds 1/2 of the chest for last governor.


Last time on Realm of Empires...

Hail Lords and Ladies of Realm of Empires!

It has been a busy few months at Realm of Empires Headquarters (we don't have any other quarters but the one but this sounds cool!). 

We have broken the 100 realm barier and there was boom!

We've made some significant changes and this post is here to document them for historians from a planet far far away that will one day study the human thirst for power as best seen in the simulation of real life known as Realm of Empires. By commenting on your post, you might get your name into alien text books one day...you never know!

- Tournament-like play : http://tinyurl.com/z2bogeu
- Balance via speed-up limitations : http://tinyurl.com/z2xtuv5
- Research specialization & new techs : http://tinyurl.com/hn56max
- Rare Legendary Bonus Villages : http://tinyurl.com/jqjwmbz
- Free building and research speed ups and more :http://tinyurl.com/gvqpzla
- New Governments: http://tinyurl.com/gshwojb
- Sleep Mode & Vacation Mode
- Troops move on the map details...
- Awesome new chat
- Village Claim System details...
- Balance via yay boost limitation : details...
- Servants rescue - raid rebels and get more than just silver! details...
- New desert look : details...
- Free speedups and other rewards : details...