So, if you have a blog, know someone with a blog, write for a magazine, know someone who writes for a magazine etc, and you can either write a favorable blog, publish an article about us, or influence someone to do so, then we would like to reward you handsomely!
You do not actually have to write the article, but at least influence someone to write one. If the author will confirm you as the reason for writing the publication you will be rewarded!
- The article / blog must be favorable towards realm of empires and must include a link to http://www.realmofempires.com/
- One offer per person unless you clear it with us first
- NO SPAM! Anything that could be considered as spam is not allowed.
- This is a limited time offer.
We ultimately decide if the article/blog is acceptable for this offer and every article that is accepted will earn a minimum of 50 servants. We will then decide how much more is the publication worth based on the following:
- Popularity of the blog / magazine
- Quality of the publication (is it engaging, is it well written, proper grammar and spelling, length, presentation, how favorable it is to Realm Of Empires etc)
- Relevance of the blog / magazine to the game (an online strategy game magazine/website will be considered more relevant than a food magazine :)
- Presentation of the publication - does it include nice screen shots of the game? Does it include nice images?

A paragraph length blog entry on a personal blog with minimum popularity will earn you 50-100 servants. Article on a relatively popular gaming website will easily earn you 10,000 servants. Get us into wired magazine, and there will be servants coming out of your … ears! :)
However, a new blog, created just for this offer, with no readers, will normally not be accepted.
Maximize your reward - Include nice images!
Feel free to use any of the game images you choose. We also creted a few nice images for you to use here: http://s650.photobucket.com/albums/uu225/RealmofEmpires/
Feel free to use any of the game images you choose. We also creted a few nice images for you to use here: http://s650.photobucket.com/albums/uu225/RealmofEmpires/
Maximize your reward - promote your blog!
Remember that the goal of this promotion, is to help spread the word about realm of empires. If you write an blog that no one reads, it has very minimal value to us. However, you can increase its value greatly, and hence increase the reward, if you try to prmote your blog in some way. Consider posting it on:
Remember that the goal of this promotion, is to help spread the word about realm of empires. If you write an blog that no one reads, it has very minimal value to us. However, you can increase its value greatly, and hence increase the reward, if you try to prmote your blog in some way. Consider posting it on:
- digg.com
- buzz.yahoo.com
- delicious.com
- slashdot.org
- stumbleupon.com
- reddit.com
- ping.fm
- twitter
- etc
How to claim your reward
Email cases@roe.fogbugz.com with subject “blog for servants offer” (please get the subject right for prompt response!). Include a link to the article with any explanation, or metrics on the blog/website/magazine that you feel are relevant. Send using the email that identifies you are the author of the publication. If you are not the author, include the author on the email and he will have to verify you are the reason for this blog/article.
Remember to help us out in determining the popularity of the blog, website or magazine. Help us get the proper information, or offer us the matrics if you have them.
Remember to help us out in determining the popularity of the blog, website or magazine. Help us get the proper information, or offer us the matrics if you have them.
We will review your entry and will get back to you as soon as possible ( we aim for a 5 day turn around)
Yeah, yeah, you will just not 'accept' my article won’t you!?
No, we plan to accept every entry unless it is very poorly done/trivial, does not promote us at all, or even worse, damages us. We want to encourage you to use your talents to help us grow accepting articles will help us accomplish this goal.
Can I get an estimate before going to the trouble of writing?
Definitely! If you are thinking of taking advantage of this offer, but not sure if it will be acceptable, or what the reward amount will be, submit your idea to rewards@realmofempires.com and we will get back to you as soon as we can. Include as much relevant information as possible.
Examples of what will NOT be accepted
Remember that the idea behind this offer is to reward you for helping to promote Realm Of Empires.
Creating a brand new personal blog just for the purpose of this offer, a blog that has no readers of any kind, does not promote us and will not be acceptable. This offer is for exising blogs, website or articles with at least some popualrity /reader base.
Blogs with spelling mistakes, gramatical errors will not be accepted
Does blogging on Facebook count?
"Does blogging on Facebook count?" >> YES
Is this still open? If so I will be able to help with a blog.
Realm of empires is the kewlest role playing game on Facebook i absolutely LOVE IT!!!!!
this game is the best computer game( online as well ). i love this game its the best medievel game out and will be for AGES...... ive told all of my mates about this game and now they are all playing it. i even got my girls from school playing. this is the best game. and i want everyone to play it because everyone whos not it missing out on alot.
I am totally new to this 'blogging' thing so please excuse this question.
HOW do I blog on FACEBOOK?
sir i m completely new to this too
but i hav been in the game for some time till now ...i m lovin it...but i get confused wen n how to get my other troop units activated after building their structures requisite .for ex.how to get the flow of infantry and spies produced
The game had quests to complete. One was to have friends send support to your village. It expired before support could arrive. If my friends have to travel farther than the time allowed doesnt seem fair. I do you get friends and family closer in the realm. Like the game just seems that you might let some one pick what cell on the map to be closer. Great application like playing it more than the others.
one of the things i hate about ROE is that you have to practically buy servants for you can upgrade your buildings or army, why cant it be like a normal game where you dont need to buy something and you can still have fun playing i mean some people dont want to take the time to post a blog or they dont want to waste money on something that they might not use.
other than that i love the game
What is the benefit of having servants?
I can accept needing the servants to open new items, but I don't find it fair that the items have an expiry date.
Why can't it be once it's open, it stays open or why can't the dates be extended at a cheaper cost?
If the game is suppose to recognize that the players may only get on once or twice a week, then how are the players going to benefit from acquiring servants when they only have a one week period to use them?
Can wee spread it on communities in orkut
"If the game is suppose to recognize that the players may only get on once or twice a week, then how are the players going to benefit from acquiring servants when they only have a one week period to use them?"
Great point of view..!!!! two thumbs up for this question..
I think it's not fair enough if someone have tried hard to help the game into bigger publicity and then just neglected like that after few weeks..
I just can't imagine that.. what a waste.. Even though this game is the best online game, but it's still just a game guys..
I Like Realm of Empire
I just *dugg* on *digg* ... so sad you have sooo little room to post (or am I missing something?) for online games. Anyways, for those of you who really enjoy this game (as I do), please *digg* Realm of Empires ... Months not Days by Litegal1.
It's honestly so refreshing to find a game geared towards long-term developement ... not instant gratification.
I know I probably won't win anything, but hey - thats totally fine with me. It's nice being able to promote something you truly enjoy.
Happy Conquests to All !
aka RobynLoquely of Clique is Chlick
How do we let you know where the blog(s) are?
well if the game is just a game why not make it more exiting by decreasing the value of the features...at least like maybe 1 week of a year
or month which ever works best
i like the game but it should be totally free cause if some little kid has mommys credit card he then takes a hugh advantage over players that work hard for days
Does Myspace count?
seeing how its more populare then facebook
games good
sweeet game
so... what should i say to blog??? hehe... well... just want to share this site... the gaiaonline.com... try it... it was fun... promise... try it... pls... ^_~
servants should but awarded when you lvl up should not have to buy them
i'm already wrote an article about realm of empires before knowing about his offer.. most of it are about joining my clan..
correction "his" mean "this"
sorry bout that.. anyway my realm of empires Id is agares..
man this is so cool i cant even stop playing it. the game is that awsome. if i was a game reviewer i would give it 5 stars hands down.
Realm of Empires to me is the greatest game in Facebook. It is so addictive that I can play it 24/7. When I am not on RoE I have withdrawal symptoms. May need to start a support group later (like AA)that starts with' "My name is ...... and I am an Realm of Empire addict"
Tired of SEEING this. (ONCE WAS ENOUGH!)
Game News & Info
STOP! Please don't become one more statistic!
To date, we've banned, for life, 242 players (well over 900 villages).
We absolutely hate banning anyone, but do so as we work hard on keeping the game fun and fair. We've even banned players with over a 100 villages.
Please be aware of the rules:
* Terms of Use
* Terms of Use explained
* Be aware of our strict stewarding rules
Reported statistic based on July 1 2009 numbers
This is a general FYI message to everyone
how does this work?
yes how dose it work?
hey im mya and im still new to tha game. it has really caught my attention
PLEASE HELP!!! Read my blog... http://realmofempires-ageofold.blogspot.com/
plz read my blog and tell me if you like it and if you do ill make it better so just incase it sucks and i work like hours on it for nothing soo just drop by and take a look its called realm of empires on facebook and (.com)if you visite it be internet search!!! thx and if you do look at it plz leave a comment!
This game is wonderful and is the funnest most enjoyible game anybody can ever create
Does Youtube count as a part of a video blog? among other things I see a great deal of spoofs and silly videos coming out of the expereinces had on the game.
i have just started playing and am in relm 4, i really enjoy this game so far. I am an older female who does not have a lot of time for games so this one is great in that i can see progress in a few minutes of playing most every day. have told friends about this game a a number of them have also started playing.
verry nice game
this is a very good game i love it
i just started playing the game and i need a good clan and some help with actually getting started, i'm playing on facebook.
this game is good it gives you free trials and those go for 21 days to see if you like it and its great that you can form a clan of join one
the site is
A good facebook strategy game.
This is the best game i have ever played! I love it! Family loves it!Friends love it! Awesome!!!!
hey this is a real top level game! I absolutely loves this!Be a master in it!u
Realm of empires is one of a kind! A great game to get addicted to because ur always wanting to get stronger.
add archers to the game!!!
nellanek ,this game is awsome and would suggest it to anyone who loves a great easy but challenging game of strategy and conquering, war games or teamwork games this game includes all these aspects and is well planned out and is great to play love it love it love it .and my kids love it too......thanks for a great game.all my family play kids,cousins,brothers and even my aunt plays.is really a great game.thanks again realm creators.
if i invites friends on facebook to join this game, it counts? is there any quotas? i want all my friends to join this game cause its reflects our origin of conquering land by lands. i love this game.
This game is awesome you got a village and try to keep it alive and fight other people to keep your place safe or go dictator and take over other places. try this game it is really fun
chasychaz and KING_Lanceloth
im part of this realm, and this is the game I played ever.. im so addicted to it.. although im just new here, im about 2 months playing this game.. more power to the developers. hope you make it more challenging
this game rocks
wait so if i just blog once i get 10000 sevants
This game is the best game ever and I think that u will love it if u love stragie game like its the best game ever and u should go to this website http://www.realmofempires.com/
to try it for free!!!!!
This is the best game ever!!!!!
this is a kick ass game
well this lil game is quite fun....
you just only have to do is give some time to this game. leave it it work even if you are not online.
hey i think you must have a look to it..http://www.realmofempires.com/
Hello fellow players. I like this game alot .... I do play everyday and it is rewarding for me because I am making new friends and they help me alot. http://www.realmofempires.com/
use this link to come find me. You will like this game too. You build and build ... its awesome.
brian the wizzard
As co-owners of clan Fifth Sanctum on realm 5, I (Embee) and tbliss have created a facebook page about our clan and RoE. Would this count toward earning us both servants, and if so, how do we collect those servants? Page link: http://www.facebook.com/business/dashboard/?ref=sb#/pages/The-Fifth-Sanctum/208340227641
I Own The Game!
A fabulous game. It's not just for the boys. The women on the Realm are queens we will rule the land the men call theirs.
what a lovely game.
i'm just loving it knowing i'm new to it.
hopelly i will be able to conquer all the land i need.
Realms of Empire is a mind and strategic game where our critical thinking and analysis, on how we can build a strong village and how we can conquer other village with ease, works...
Realms of Empire is an addicting game each is good to improve our ability to think and analyze things...
Realms of Empire also develops our ability to become a leader...
Great way to meet new friends. hours of fun
Does it matter what realm you use to post blogs for servants? (If you play on more than one realm do you have to do it for all realms?)
Published an article about Realm of Empires at Ream of Empires - an addicting Face book game
cam some one please give me servants i need them please im desprate for servants
can i have servants pls i need help becouse there are people attack me and i need some tropps now
My Brother started playing this game and I did not like it until I started. I am hooked on it now, not enough hours in the day to play. It is a must try, I am so sure you will enjoy it, I sure do.!!!!!!! It is a lot of fun and the stratergies are fantastic, Please try
this game rocks
hey i really like the game there is just to much to say about it to put it on this comment it is a really fun game i hope that more people will paly this game i am trying to talk all of my friends into playing it and so far i have got two of them to play it is just an asome game
user name is 17brandon17
http://www.realmofempires.com go on this website it is awsome
very good game
it's a great game
I have blogged and i still have yet to get my servants. is this a hoax? I do love the game and it pretty easy to learn but if you are not going to make good on your offer then dont offer it... You have done a great job on the graphics and i have told all my friends ... but no servants came. sigh. was hopeing.....
November 11, 2009 4:41 AM
brian barton said..
Hello fellow players. I like this game alot .... I do play everyday and it is rewarding for me because I am making new friends and they help me alot. http://www.realmofempires.com/
use this link to come find me. You will like this game too. You build and build ... its awesome.
Does Warring and allied on Realm of Empires?
hi...i have bug in the game whenever i activate the night built it didnt..function..acount name skalper
Realm Of Empires is awsome! I love it. So much fun
If anyone wants to see a sample of a review / promotion of RoE, check out my post at:
It net me quite a few servants! Thanks RoE support team!
ROE is great lol
I have bee Playing RoE for a cpl months, I came from another war game. My team was looking for another venue, we were pleased withRoE as a team game. We learned that RoE was different than previous but the team venue was same. We have been pleased with the game as a whole.
This game is soooo addicting. It's so hard when I go to work and try not to log in to RoE! Such an AWESOME game!
i love Realm Of Empires its far better then knighthood that game sucks
i recon that this game is good!!! i spend so much of my time on here i cant sem to pull away from it just wish their was like a chat window for the clans so you part so you can talk directly to clan mate.
the forum allows you to use most web coding just find a free chat program and paste the code into a thread in the forumand you can use the chat feature there
i posted a blog on facebook now how do i claim m servants?
realm of empires is a great game. go to http://www.ralmofempires.com/ to join.
this game is bloody awesome, and i have been totally immersed in the politics and dramas of it,, if a game can bring out of you extreme emotions of fear,excitement,sorrow and joy, then by all means,you have done it for me.. i take my hat off to the creators and the ppl who play. I would like to see more of an improvement in the RoE mapper.. plz have installed in the game,will make RoE life easy
Realm of empiers is so cool
i love it
I am a HUGE fan of Realm of Empires....I truely enjoy this game....It is a joy to play....and pardon the corniness.....but, Realm of Empires Rock!!!
I am trying to figure this one out. How do I introduce myself to the other players so I can collect my reward. I am having fun at playing this but I got stumped.
Well I just started this game and already I find myself planning my next strategy. Its awesome! http://www.realmofempires.com/
I am new to this game, and I enjoy it a few minutes a day. Im not real up on a lot of the quests but I boggle through, lol. Its teaching me some stuff and causing me to use my brain. "This is good". It does give me something to look forward to when I get home from work. Just like most women I like to spend money and I can spend a lot of it here and have fun. Thank you Realms of Empires.
I'm new to the game and still finding my feet
I have created "notes" on my facebok profile about RoE. They are intended to be somthing of a diary of events on the realm. I have includd the link listed in the rules to lead readers to RoE. Dosthis count?
I'm new to this game and I'm already good at it. I love it so far.
Still can get the servants....
the blog can be facebook count....we need more servants...
I just started playing this game when i had nothing else to do over on the east coast and my aunts are totally out of date with technology so this was one of the only games i played, and so far i'm lovin it lol. neighbors and i in this are competing to get points and now their 700 points above me lol i'm not quite sure what gets me alot of points so there smokin me. Hopefully i can get my palace and go capture some inactive villages soon :)
at 1st this game is boring but the more you play the better it gets and you just have to get more involved in the game 2
at 1st the game is boring but the more u play the better it gets and u also have to get more involved like attacking people or beciming more involved in your clan
at 1st the game is boring but the more u play the better it gets and u also have to get more involved like attacking people or beciming more involved in your clan
realm of empires is addictive. lots of fun.
I love to play on realms, it is fun and interesting, and also complicated. I have several villages now, an the hard part is not knowing what to recruit next or what buildings to upgrade to satisfy your next move. Its facinating to see all the things they have come up with.
I like playing RoE. It's a great way to pass the time.
tarlac national high school the most beautifull school in tarlac
Roddur said...
The benefits of having servants is the Nobility Package, which includes a vast list of furthermore impressive upgrades.
Anonymous said...
one of the things i hate about ROE is that you have to practically buy servants for you can upgrade your buildings or army, why cant it be like a normal game where you dont need to buy something and you can still have fun playing i mean some people dont want to take the time to post a blog or they dont want to waste money on something that they might not use.
other than that i love the game
Seriously, don't whine about upgrades. You can still play the game just as normally. Servants are just a sidebar to this thing, and the only reason that servants actually exist is so that the Nobility Package is placed. I haven't even bought servants and I have 81 of them because I have done free offers such as watch videos and etc.
Does it count if I write an article on my website?
hi,can i earn servants for this glog i wrote please/
its my first one i ever wrote but you will like what i put.
this game is well and truely compeditive and allows you to compete with others and friends in a way most games cannot. it is truely worth playing and gives you contact with others on a social aspect. a must play game.
i love this game so much that i wish they made a movie about it.
I had gotten hooked onto this game by a friend and have been playing it ever since. I think that this game should never be banned.
Hay all, i had ago at doing this, check it out, (tinyurl.com/Realm-of-Empires) Hints and tips also on blog, Leave a comment with your blog page and i will return the favour. also follow if possible, again i will return the favour.
The more popular our blogs are, there more servants you get rewarded.
I have not been playing this game fore very long but it is onr of the best online games that i've played in a while.
Hi Guys my name is Daniel, one of the most addictive player in "Realm Of Empires. i find realm of empires Extremely intertaining because it is not, just a game! it is a real game! for tough men
this is emosewa.
this is cool
this game is good
this game is good :)
Come join me on an awesome game of strategy. Build, fight, defend and support. REALM OF EMPIRES is a great RPG game with plenty of interaction with other people around world. You start out with a simple village and end up building a great empire with the support of your clan and other clans also. I have only been playing this game for a little under a week and already on Ranking #34 out of 730. The quests are easy to understand and the tutorial is very well done for first time players. This is a free game that I play on Facebook and I have never missed a day since, actually I run this game while I do other things to make it mor time efficient and more effective. There is no lagging out with Realms of Empires as with other games. Take this link and try it for yourself. http://www.realmofempires.com/
Please blog your reactions to the game and repost the link above :)
I need your blogs to gain servant in the game which unlocks extra features within the game
this is a great site for everyone playing RoE betterjoin in
The game is cool
The game is cool and I would like more of you to join
Realm of Empire is the kool game coz i love the stragedy base games and big fan of these types of games.
i played such games in PC and wanted to have them on internet and atalst got it here on Facebook. This game rocks. I have my own Kingdom here and can challage and Capture more.
The thing i don't like and want the ROE team to update is that they must decrese the creation time of every module in this game.
In simple the game is the best i am big fan of it.
I think the game is cool
Othrys from realm 4 here.
I have realised how addictive and fun this game can be especially leading a clan.
This game has a few minor details which i'd like upgraded. One major one would be the chests, there should be a feature where you can select villages to auto chest at a click of a button. This means less time clicking and crunching chests/gov building and focus whats more important game play and keeping things equal. Adding chests is rather tiring when you have 50-150+ villages and it takes like 30mins just to do this its pathetic.
Quote"This game has a few minor details which i'd like upgraded. One major one would be the chests, there should be a feature where you can select villages to auto chest at a click of a button."Unquote
...Mass upgrade ( Nobility feature)let you do this in just a few clicks. This is what I do with mine.
this game is nice but.. is there any other .. that in upgrading building it wil just take 1-5 minutes ... dont worry this games is still the best for me
i hope in attacking villages it will not take for hours
realm of empires is a good stragety game where you can build up armis of soilders and to take over villages to be number 1 i love it
can you send me some servent so i can continue playing the realm please thank you :D
i love realm of empires...im addicted.
if ur beginning then u shud defo upgrad ur headquarters to level 5 b4 u doo anything then u cn upgrade ur mine to level 10 then u need to build ur barracks save 15 ur sevants 4 this if ur impatient or want to gt on building things after it's done.
Then u shud gt more servants by either payin or bloggin.
ROE is the best game ever
Yeah Boi! (bow)
this is nice game
hi, its really cool game,i played lots off games on face book but i think thats a cool and never borring one so thanks for every one who thought and start it..really thanks again
realm of empires is the best game i have played online! i recommend it to everyone that goes online!
i agree with everyone else its the best one ever
realm of empires is a good game try
A strategy game where you grow a small village into an Empire! Join your friends to form mighty clans, raise armies, engage in diplomacy, conquer and defend together. ~RealmofEmpires.com
I agree this game is everything the creators say it will be. A example list of actions to do are: Quests, Build armies, form alliances, conquer enemies, make more cities. That is just a start of this spectacular game. For all you strategy fans out there this game is a Massively Multiplayer Online Real-Time Strategy Game.
So get out there and give this game a try and get conquering!
is this really possible?
is this really possible?
strategy game where you grow a small village into an Empire! Join your friends to form mighty clans, raise armies, engage in diplomacy, conquer and defend together. ~RealmofEmpires.com
I agree this game is everything the creators say it will be. A example list of actions to do are: Quests, Build armies, form alliances, conquer enemies, make more cities. That is just a start of this spectacular game. For all you strategy fans out there this game is a Massively Multiplayer Online Real-Time Strategy Game.
So get out there and give this game a try and get conquering!
This is a sweet game i haven't played for long but ive got alot of family playing along with friends from school this is the best game ive played online.
i luv dis game but i dont like hw we buy servants cuz A LOT OF KIDS like dis game very much and they cud even steal CREDIT caRDs for dis so its a bad influence or u all cud jst give some number of servants wen a player reaches a certain level to show u all appreciate the man playing the game
wow i really love the game so far but wow lets say a little heavy on the rules atleast thats how it seems how r people supposed to remember all these rules when life happens to i have a 10 month old boy with severe medical issues and moving 4 hours from home so that he can come home school on top of it is there a way for the rules to be put in an easy to read short version and sent to all players so we can save them to r computers and when we have a question we could look at it and then nobody can say they didnt no cause if they didnt it would be there fault it would be helpful to new players who dont realize that they r so important to the game cause personally i hardly ever read those things cause i basically understand the game and in other games the rules r not so important if so this is wessly village my email is harveyciji@yahoo.com if any way possible send an easy to read and understand rules to me it would help to clarify all this blog mess and rules we dont no about and rules that we think r rules but arent actually rules and r limits like better explain the helping a friend to much thing i am the only one i no who plays the game but i dont want any trouble cause its a great game gotta love it
Does placing a link on my Cie web page countfor free servants?
Dos Placing a link on my company web page count to earn Servant if yes How many???
Realm Of Empire is the greatest Game on Facebook and on the net I use it to pass the time on my break and between reports on just on the weekrnd to engaged with clan members from around the world This game is the safest and most networkeble game i have seen i event found a business contact !!!! Simply AMAZING!!!
Sign iin and join the game relaxing and fun with just enought excitment to make it Fully enjoyable!
Frank Ya Ping!
i love this game it kills the time and you get to talk to some pretty awesome people :)
ROE http://www.realmofempires.com/
is an awesome game to kill time, have fin, strategize, and meet really cool people
i think i will enjoy this 1
love it
love it
So here I go again with another role playing game...this one is fairly easy to start and seems intriguing. It is fun to create your own village and to work at making it bigger and stronger... So let's all have some fun !!!!
So hello all !! Good to see ya ! I just started this new RPG called Realm of Empires . It is fairly easy to get started. I am still getting all my buildings built. Lots of help to get ya going .. Let's make this a great adventure! Below is a link to the game ..soooo let's game on !!!!! http://www.realmofempires.com/
I love this game. c: It's an amazing timepasser, and especially a good game if you're patient and good at conquest games. Been playing since Realm 4, never looked back. Was amazing back then, and it's only ever gotten better! :3
I love realms and it will be fab to have 10,000 servants as that will help me grow my vills and expand as i will be able to buy the nobility pack with servants. Thankyou. xox
this game is awsome
I'am new to this game, I find it very intriging and enjoy what I have figured out so far,lol Its amazingly fun and addictive, my friend suggested it to me and its by for more interesting than building a "farm" somewhere lol Im learning as I go and exploring all options somehow I got carried away and lost my servants, so here Iam trying to figure out how i get them back i recommend this game to anyone and everyone, who needs xbox n playstations when you can have this much fun on realm of empires!!!!
I enjoy this type of games, i play them at work, Some of the quests need to be updated. It states, Create a review and give 5 star once you reach Baronet, However the app site is locked towards creating such. I would suggest keeping the quests up to date. alot of us do them when we are awaiting an attack.
Hi, thank you for sharing this great info. Was just browsing through the net in my office and happened upon your blog. It is really very well written and quit comprehensive in explaining with a very simple language.
this game is the best fun
rhelms of empire is the best game ever and it help me fight
this is a really cool game
this game is good to play i am on here playing everyday
Realm of Empires (RoE)
Is the ultimate real time straigty game on FB.
Diplomacy, war, simming is what makes RoE a perfect game.
This game Realm of empires is one of the best games i have played, i love playing it.
Realm of Empires, One of the best games i ever played. Don't miss out on the fun.
Best game ever, realm of empires your the best
i am new and my sister is helping me
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