As ROE veterans can appreciate, its a hard problem to solve since fake attacks are a core tactical tool in attackers toolbox.
In R7 and R8, we are releasing a 'Unit Desertion' algorithm aimed at minimizing this issue. Minimizing is the key here. We are not removing this tactical option just limiting it.
The algorithm in a nutshell:
- Some troops sent over a long distance will desert thus forcing you to send more and more troops over longer distances
- The more troops you send, the fewer will desert
- The longer the distance, the more troops will desert
- Including a governor with the attack boosts the troops morale and prevents any desertion
- Sending more than 300 "population-worth" of troops prevents any desertion
- There is no desertion if the distance is 13 squares or less (roughly a 19x19 map)
- Troops desert the moment the attack is launched
Definition: population-worth, ie size of an attack
For the purpose of this algorithm, we calculate the size of the attack as the sum of population/food of all troops involved.
Ie, Citizen Militia consumes 1 unit of food therefore it has population-worth size of 1
Ram consumes 10 units of food therefore it has population-worth size of 10
and so on...

What we want to achieve with this algorithm, is to prevent clans from being able to send huge amounts of fake attacks over very long distances. You may still do so, but you will take higher losses.
At the same time, we did not want to automatically remove this tactical tool thus there is the minimal distance of 13 squares in which there is no desertion.
We hope that this will limit the number of fake attacks incoming to players who find themselves in a big war yet people close to each other can still play as they do now.
Keep in mind that it is still experimental and we may tweak it over the next weeks and months based on your experience and comments.
perfect, looks like it will tackle the core issue of fakes
This sucks :(
Please keep it to realms 7 and 8.....most of us "vets" are MORE than capable of dealing with 100's of incoming attacks.....
What would help more is being able to categorize incoming by village instead of just time...
this is just a tiny little bump on the road to mass sends.
so the troops that desert go back to camp cause if not this i think is not a good feature at all cause it waste troops people can use to attack with
this just makes it easier for people to tell which are fakes and wich are not not good at all cheating the game i think takes the fun out of attacking
Yes I would not know what to do if there were not 1100 attacks inbound man I would tjhink people did not love me anymore.
scrap... suck! I want remain tactic...
let the players play the game. Fakes shouldnt be penalized
What realms does this apply to? I want to still be able to send fake attacks!
Wow! Keep adding features like this and I won't migrate to the newer realms when the one I'm in finishes.
I'm not sure what "problem" this solves. Multiple incoming attacks is what makes this a clan-based war game. The way I read it, this also limits the effectiveness of a large force moving long distances too.
How about if you just rename Realm 7 and 8 to SimCity? Oh wait... that name has been taken.
But, this prevents people from sending 100+ fake attacks to multiple villages. If you have to send that many fakes, you suck anyway. Learn some strategy, and how to launch attacks, and you only need to send minimal fakes.
I may be a little slow here but I have no clue what they are talking about.... What is a fake attack? And what is this change going to do about it?
Well yes everyone likes fake attacks because they have no cost. Now they will and you'll have to think about it more. Sorry if it means you have to use your brains a bit more than usual.....ooops that should have read, sorry if it means you have to try to use your brains!! :)
This is good.. forces player to think properly and calculate the costs of sending fakes and how many.
else an easy game.. just keep send fakes..
I think you all cry too darn much. And only wanting to limit to r7 and 8 means your one of the sorry people who use the fakes.
good work greg et. al.
I really can't imagine this game with all the attacks being real. Why would you ever want to get rid of fake attacks? Why fix something that's not broken?
The way I was seeing it is that larger forces... will NOT lose any troops to this even over long distances...
Reread it, look at the explanation of how much 'population worth' of troops prevent troop loss, as well as the explanation of what exactly 'population worth' is.
300 PW troops no desertion, 25 knights takes care of that... lol
How is this going to work if you only send 1 Infantry in an attack,will the attack get deleted?
If it goes any further than 13 squares out, just past the 19*19 (with your village centered), then that troop will desert.
Within that area you can send a single CM and it won't do anything.
what is the issue with fakes its all part of the stratergy most large clans use them i dont see the point in this feature at all it will spoil the game big thumbs down :(
I am OK with the the attack losing troops but you also have it on support as well. I can no longer send trip wires unless I send 301 and recall 300. Please remove it from support.
I think this is a very poor idea that removes more from the game than it adds... Fakes are a part of warfare and how will we send tripwires to our clanmates as support if they delete the second they are out of sight? I think if you add this it needs to be to the new realms that I wont be playing when my current one finishes!
better not happen to realm 4, i love sending 3,000 fakes at a time to confuse the crap out of people
Sending fakes is an important tactical method of causing confusion amongst your enemies. What you should focus on is individuals who send support to grey shield villages. Anyone who send support to an abandoned or rebel village to make sure that they are the individual that gets the village is wrong. They should lose troops over a period of time. Say ten percent every three hours they are supporting the non-owner occupied village. LEave the long distance fake attacks alone. It is a tactical tool and should be left as that.
I would rather the ability to attack an incoming attack.
If i see an attack coming at me, I want to be able to send my army out to meet it. Or.. even send spies out to meet it and find out what it is. Such a feature would still allow for fakes, but would give the defender an option of detecting them, depending how many spies are on each side. If you send a lot of spies with your fake, then the defender might not be able to find out it's a fake.
IMO this would make it more like real warfare. If you know an army is coming, you would send out scouts to find out the size and power of the force coming at you.
I think that would be a much more fun and useful feature. ;)
I like that idea
why not just make it so you can send a maximum of 9 or 10 attacks FROM a single village TO another single village? I could still send a hundred attacks from one village and then call them off while they're on their journey... when you have 100 villages, you can recruit 500 CM for the fakes which doesn't fix fake attack abuse at all! It doesn't matter if I lost 3 CMs out of 10 in a single fake attack...
nooo. this is a tactical strategy. limiting it would make the game boring!
This is excellent..., just like real war...
If you are unable to deal with new realms. Dont make it. Your server was pretty slow all the day & the page always freeze!!
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