Bubribaman on realms: Free-to-play damaging game industry?

Do you agree with Greg's opinion?

Bubribaman on realms: Free-to-play damaging game industry?: Yes.... at least according to this Inside Mobile Apps article : Gamespot is reporting that Olivier Comte, Namco Bandai’s SVP for Europ...


Zdrojewski said...

I think the game Realm of Empires is fun game. The game Realm of Empires is a game that takes stradegy, intellegence, freinds, ext.I think the game Realm of Empires is fun game expecially because they have a chat box for you to chat to a bunch of nice people in while you are waiting for money, supplys, troops, to finsish a building, ect. I also like that you can be in allinces or clans with your freinds so you knoe who to trust and who not to. I would recromend the game Realm of Empires to anybody and everybody I know (I did too).

Unknown said...

Honestly, I don't see HOW f2p can be damaging. Most of these games have pay options for impatient players who want to progress faster, and gives software design companies a longer income period than initial purchases or even monthly fees.