Combat Preset (Attack presets)

A few feature will debut shortly, in its Alpha stage, that will greatly improve the early game rebel farming / raiding for silver, and more!

Preset attacks, are simply saved troop combinations that you can later send with just one click.

To Create a PreSet Attack

Simply go to the attack page, enter your troops, then click SAVE rather than attack

Enter the name of your preset, then click SAVE again.
You can also choose if this preset will try to launch these troops from your currently selected village on the map, or if it will pick the first village closes to your target and try to launch from there.

To launch a preset attack

Now you will see a little box with your entered name for this preset. Clicking it, will try to launch these troops at your target.
 Indicators will tell you if the launch was successful etc 

Or not successful and why 

Eventually, you can add more, all kinds of presets 

This is an ALPHA RELEASE of this feature, so it is rough and not fully competed. We are releasing it early, so that you can play with it, and comment how we can improve it. Tell us what you would like to see in this to make it useful for you. 

Known Issues

none at this time

What is coming next.

A few features we are considering, please comment or vote on them if you agree.


Post your own suggestion here. See the list of all suggestions here.


Imacamy said...

When looking at the report from a farmrun i usually click on villagename and send another farmrun if i see there is more silver left. Is it possible to add these quick attack buttons here also?

G. said...

@imacamy, thanks for the suggestion, I encourage you to make it here for others to see and vote

Unknown said...

Need a way to send troops from multiple villages to attack at the same. So they get there at the same time

Unknown said...

i put in presets i try to attc nothing works with this new war bord

Anonymous said...


M said...


M said...