Hail Lords and Ladies!
We are pleased to announce an exciting new feature, debuting May 26 on realm 314!
One of the common complaints is that Realm of Empires is only a zero-sum game. That is – a game where one player has to always lose. Once you get into a battle with another player, one of you will eventually lose everything. While certainly exciting, you have asked many times to add more fun yet meaningful content to the game. Content that does not result in zero-sum outcome each time. Over the years, we have added features like Rebels and Raids. While fun, these are dumb targets. The skills required to take advantage of those, is minimal in comparison to the skills necessary to take on another player.Also, we have heard that it is hard for new players to learn
the battle skills when only attacking Rebel or abandoned villages. Practicing
on real player is a daunting perspective!
But what if you had targets that would actually put up a
fight? Targets that would be more lucrative than rebels? Requiring more skill to
take, but would not leave you wondering if you are picking a fight that might be
your last? Soon, you will be able to experience just that!
Introducing AI players!
We will be carefully trying out this new feature on Realm
314 opening May 26th. This will be a limited release of between 25
to 50 such computer-controlled players. At this stage, these players will not
attack you, but will defend when attacked. If you tell us that this is an
interesting addition to the game, more skills will be added to their arsenal.
If you are wondering if this will perhaps be the end of the excitement
of the zero-sum feature of the battles you engage in, please do not worry. Computer-controlled
players will not take that away. But they will be a way for you to gain
valuable (larger) villages early on, to teach new players new skills as you
coordinate attacks or to try out new clan members on such targets, etc.
In the future...
In future realms, we might have those players band into clan and support each other, thus making well planned coordinated attacks even more important. That will depend on your feedback. Could those players even attack back on some realms? Maybe. Again, will depend on your feedback. Maybe a few Tournament realms could feature such players and you can try your skills against a computer? The possibilities are endless!If you think this has potential, then please reach out
to old players, invite them back, so that we can continue to expend on this
Your questions are welcome in comments below, but please do
not expect us to release all our secrets just yet 😊
WOW! T his is very interesting to try out in the new realm. I can't wait to see it in action.
farming just might get a bit more challenging in these new realms.
Question. Once we take out one of these computer gamers will they respawn ?
in regards to this question as a follow up. Would it be possible to bring down the clan sizes in other realms because there are only a small handful of clans that compete and it usually just 5 to 6 clans and half of those clans are competing for the win.
The realms are smaller now a days. 15 is just way too much. Like the new classic realm that had just opened. there is only 1.5 pages of players that are actually playing. and already half of them are in the same clan.
How about fixing the Apple issue as well
Wow, great future! I like strategy games and RoE stands on top of my list and wished for this for a long time!
A few thoughts:
1) Maybe split the AI (in the future) in a "defend-only" and ones that both attack and defend? To provide both sides (learning only and a challange)?
2) Different degrees of AI? (easy, normal, hard)
Sounds difficult to program, but can be achieved roughly by:
a) Let the easy ones max stables at lvl15, normal at lvl 25 and hard at lvl26 (for example)
b) Let the easy ones don't do research, for example
3) The tournament one really has potential IMAO, there might be a good potential of sales for you guys aswell, with a few changes: Why not make a seperate game where 1 single human player has to fight agianst AI players in fast tournament realms of max. 2h? Or team up with a few friends on such realms and beat the AI? I believe it is possible so sell such a game on platforms as Steam, and, as a side-benefith 'lure' more players to the 'original' multiplayer version?
You might need stronger servers though, but that might be possible with more income for you guys... ;)
Let's make RoE great again.... ;)
Kind regards,
@HistoryOne - yes, we will lower clan size
1) Yes, that we will consider in future releases. we are starting slow
2) yup, something we can consider
3) yes, tournament realms are a place where we can definitely experiment with much more aggressive AI
@Greg thank you so much. This has been a topic for some time now amongst a few players and just recently again in the Global Chat. Players will start coming back.
The apple problem and also Samsung tables need fixed. I used to play on my tablet but your app is not supported by Samsung now. Apple I have a realm that has 28 bonuses I cannot get because mobile only.
Add some some combat points to troops that survive an attack or assault. Make it so we can attack armies in the open or chose to wait in castles. Make it so we can lay traps outside castles walls.
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