Realm of Empires started in 2008 with Realm 1. We regularly have veterans, those who played a long time ago, come back after years of absence. Sometimes we hear that they have a hard time navigating through all the changes that were made over the years.
This guide tries to help veterans by itemizing changes that occurred over the years.
Here is a summary of changes
This guide tries to help veterans by itemizing changes that occurred over the years.
Here is a summary of changes
Game Play changes
- Morale - mechanics for people with less time to play
- Legendary Bonus Villages
- Research Changes
- End Game - win conditions and tournament-like play
- Clan change freeze
- Speed Realms
- Late in realm start boost
Changes to parameters and settings
- Servant usage balance - Building speed up
- Servant usage balance - Gift cap reduction
- Servant usage balance - Yay boost usage limitation
- Servant usage balance - Free speedups, spells, troops
- Handicap reductions
- Losing a governor on attack refunds part of the cost
New Features
- Clan Claim System - Claiming a village now is a visual process via the map
- Target System - Easy support calling, easy attack target assignment
- Attack presets - easy one click rebel-raiding and attacking
- Free rewards - free speedups, spells, troops, silver
- Vacation Mode - earn vacation days based on your global XP
- Weekend Mode - protect your empire for 2 days in a week
- Throne Room - game wide chat and your full game history
- New Chat - fully functional chat system with groups, 1on1 chats etc
- Troop movement visualization - visualize battlefield by seeing troops moving on the map
- Premium Avatars
- Playing anonymously - start fresh on a realm without old grudges kicking in
This is a great summary of changes and very helpful. Thank you!
One more change I might add to the New Features is the ability to see troop speed of incoming and outgoing attacks/support. When I came back after a break, I was excited to discover this.
The best game on facebook
Is there anyway to copy a players village list from the mobile app?
one changed id like to see is NOT being able to kill your own troops and govs.
Has anyone got thir silver from quests? Got first reward and the other thousands of silver is gone. Not appeared. I cant get my vil going without it! Takes too long to get started, I need to farm asap, but can afford barracks! Rubbish! Any help?
Can you please update the game, there’s a ton of bugs most importantly notifications, it’s been out for so long
my chest doesnt work...lost silver,time and strategy. as long as you dont check youll never know. i report twice but nothing reply to my email. bug ? of course a lot of slow speed . love this game its my email hope roe team check it out yay
Miss realms 52,53 and 56
Still have trouble with server errors. Cannot log in for periods of time.
You really need to fix the app to be able to work on Google play!! No one can use the app unless they have an apple product as of December 2024 updates. That is a huge loss of your consumer base. My computer and iPhone were stolen and I had to get a replacement non-iPhone. I was unable to play the game for a long time
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